Has the way you approach HR issues changed since the pandemic? The past 12 months have been the most difficult I’ve ever seen from an HR perspective. At the beginning of the pandemic, everyone went home thinking it would be for just a few weeks. Since then, we’ve dealt with business interruptions, emotional turmoil, and ever-changing laws. And we still don’t know what’s around the corner.
3 ways to approach HR issues in this dynamic environment
(1) Make informed decisions
The law is literally changing on a daily basis. Changes to laws effecting labor, healthcare, wage and hour and equity are increasingly inevitable and constant.
Naturally, business owners have big questions to answer and must be well prepared for how the changes will impact their staff, their business and their customers. Owners and HR need to weigh their legal options and identify when a benefit becomes a burden. Satisfying all parties that combined make up your business may feel like a daunting task–get the facts, know your options.
Be deliberate with your decision making. Recognize that what you allow for one employee has to extend consistently across your entire workforce. Look at your population, your workload and what business disruptions your business can live with. Take your time. Often you have some time to look at the policies, the laws and the facts; you don’t always have to reach a definitive conclusion today. Compromise can get you to common ground with employees, stakeholders and customers who are asking questions now.
(2) Think ahead
Businesses need to strategize now more than ever, and employees need to understand where the company is headed. We’ve all lived with uncertainty for far too long. Your team members understand that things will continue to change, but they also need confidence knowing that management has a roadmap.
Studies indicate that in 2021, more than 50% of employees will be looking for new jobs. If you want to retain your best talent, share your plans with your team. After all, if you’ve taken the time to plan and don’t communicate it, what good is it? Let your staff know where you are headed. As best as you can, answer the questions that are on everyone’s mind: Where is the organization right now? What is management thinking? And how will it impact me?
Finally, be flexible with your plan. Now is not the time to be rigid in your thinking and don’t dismiss your previous plan, because you might come back to it someday.
(3) Listen with an open mind
Now is the time for an open door policy . . . . and mean it. Encourage employees who have concerns to express their ideas. Make it clear that you appreciate solutions-based thinking. That’s especially critical right now. Business owners have so much to think about. Why not look to your people for answers?
It’s also essential to let people know that they are being heard. Just because a team member has a business-related suggestion, it doesn’t mean it will become policy. Some solutions take money, some take time, and some don’t fit the direction of the company. Their idea might be a good one, but the timing may be wrong.
People are usually open to openness. If you can give your staff a reason that you went to the right when they suggested going left, they will know you were listening, and that you value their insights and suggestions.
In conclusion, there are many ways to approach HR issues, but maintaining a calm and steady hand is always best.
Need help with HR issues you’re facing? NEMR will help you approach HR issues in a methodical, and logical way. Change is inevitable, especially now, but you have options and need to control how to implement the myriad of laws within your organization. Take your time making decisions that impact your people, communicate your plans and be open to feedback and ideas. Chat Live with us to learn more or Email Us.